My singing, songwriting, tea-with-no-milk drinking friend, Peter Falconer, has challenged himself to write a song every week in 2011 - he says this is partly to stop himself being a lazy bastard, but he's also going to raise some cash for Parkinson's UK.
If he manages to write the 45 songs he's aiming for then I will donate him the money I would have earned for doing extra office hours for my students this term, that is if I was being paid to do extra office hours, which I'm not, but I do them anyway, otherwise my students would get 2 minutes of one-to-one time a term, which I'm sure you will all agree is a bit rubbish.
Not sure how much it would be, but it should be an unstingy amount...
Why don't you take a look at his blog and listen to the first song of the year: A Song A Week!; and if you are so inclined donate some money.